Experts are calling mold the fastest-growing practice area of toxic tort and construction defect litigation. Some are even calling it "the new asbestos." HarrisMartin's Mold guides you through this emerging practice area with front line legal news, expert commentary, and medical findings you can't get from any other source... and can't afford to be without!
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Mold - Issue: 20
HOA Reaches $4.1 Million Partial Settlement for Mold-Related Defects/Injury; Trial Set for Remainder of Claims
Malicious Prosecution Action Stemming from Sick Building Case Struck Under SLAPP Statute
Belatedly Discovered Mold Damage Is Within the Scope of Signed Settlement Agreement, Rules U.S. District Court
'Toxic Mold' Damage to Bed-and-Breakfast Is Recoverable Under Policy, Appeals Court Says
Behr Settles Washington Claims For $55M; National Cases Settle For $107.5M Re: Wood Sealants Alleged to Promote Mildew