Experts are calling mold the fastest-growing practice area of toxic tort and construction defect litigation. Some are even calling it "the new asbestos." HarrisMartin's Mold guides you through this emerging practice area with front line legal news, expert commentary, and medical findings you can't get from any other source... and can't afford to be without!
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Mold - Issue: 15
Teacher's Mold Claim Remitted To WC Board Regarding Whether Accidental Injury Is Compensable
Developer Sued Regarding 127 Homes With 'Flooded Crawl Spaces' and 'Thriving Mold'
Intervenors Allege Texas/Farmers Settlement Inadequate, Breaches Fiduciary Duty to Policyholders
Calif. Supreme Court: Window Manufacturer Strictly Liable for Harm from Product Defects
Denial of Class Certification Upheld by Appeals Court in Case Of Moldy Apartment Complex
Fraud, Negligence and Personal Injury Alleged Against Developers of Ritz-Carlton Residences