Experts are calling mold the fastest-growing practice area of toxic tort and construction defect litigation. Some are even calling it "the new asbestos." HarrisMartin's Mold guides you through this emerging practice area with front line legal news, expert commentary, and medical findings you can't get from any other source... and can't afford to be without!
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Mold - Issue: 22
'Unauthorized Insurers' Versus 'Approved Unauthorized Insurers' Forms Crux of Whether Insurers Must Post Bonds in Mold Case
Organic Pathogen Exclusion Ruled Vague and Ambiguous; Does Not Preclude Coverage in Case of Moldy Office Building
Students File Class Cert. Motion Alleging Mold/Asbestos in County Schools Are 'Patient Killers'
Mold - Issue: 21
Evidence Code Does Not Shield Raw, Physical Evidence from Disclosure, Even if Used During Mediation, Plaintiffs Assert
Southern Calif. Mediation Assoc. Supports Production of Photos In Mold Case, Notwithstanding Mediation Confidentiality
Former Ritz-Carlton Resident Adds New Defendants & Counts To Injury/Negligence Complaint