Abstracts From the Literature - Litigation Watch: Welding Fumes - June 2008
July 3, 2008
TITLE: "Facile uptake of manganese(III) by apotransferrin: possible origin of manganism"
AUTHORS: Abe K, Chiba Y, Nishida Y.
JOURNAL: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung [C]. 2008 Jan-Feb;63(1-2):154-6
SUMMARY: The authors have investigated the mechanism of manganese ion uptake by apo-transferrin using a capillary electrophoresis method, and obtained clear evidence that oxidation state +3 and the binuclear unit of a manganese chelate are essential factors for the facile uptake by apotransferrin, similar to that observed for Fe(III) chelates. These results may give valuable information to understand the pathogenesis of manganism and to develop new countermeasures for the neurotoxicity by manganese ions.
WEBSITE: http://www.znaturforsch.com/c.htm