Bextra/Celebrex MDL Parties Dispute Video Deposition Procedures
June 30, 2006
- Pfizer Letter
- Plaintiffs' Letter
SAN FRANCISCO - Plaintiffs in the federal Bextra/Celebrex MDL are opposing defendants' proposed pre-trial order concerning videotaped depositions of Pfizer's witnesses, saying that the proposed procedure would distract attention from the witnesses' demeanor and credibility. In Re: Bextra and Celebrex Marketing Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 1699 (N.D. Calif.).
On June 27, plaintiffs' liaison counsel submitted a letter brief to Special Master Fern M. Smith of MDL 1699 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, responding in opposition to a June 26 letter brief submitted by Pfizer, Pharmacia Corp. and G.D. Searle & …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel