CMOs Entered in Texas Litigation to Guide 'Significant Number' of Cases
October 28, 2005
- CMOs
HOUSTON - Case Management Orders have been entered in the Texas State Vioxx MDL, setting guidelines for how the cases will proceed until they are ultimately remanded to the district courts where they were originally filed. In Re: Texas State Vioxx Litigation, Docket No. 2005-59499 (Texas Dist. Ct. Harris Cty.).
In orders entered Sept. 19 and Oct. 19, Judge Randy Wilson of the 157th Harris County District Court outlined procedure and appointed steering committees that will act as liaison for the 'significant number of cases' that have been transferred to the MDL since it was established by the Texas Supreme …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel