Plaintiff Seeks May 31 Trial Setting, as Parties Dispute Discovery in Vioxx Case
March 3, 2005
- Merck Response
- Motion to Compel
- Request for Trial Setting
ANGLETON, Texas - Plaintiffs in a Texas state court Vioxx case have requested a May 31 trial date, as the parties have now engaged in a dispute over discovery of numerous documents and information from defendant Merck & Co. Ernst v. Merck & Co., et al., No. 19961 (Texas Dist. Ct., Brazoria Cty.).
Plaintiff Carol Ernst filed her Fifth Request for Trial Setting on Feb. 17 in the Brazoria County District Court, where she sued Merck for allegedly causing her husband's Vioxx-related death. The request notes that the trial should take about 15 days.
However, the date may be in …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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