Pfizer Dismissed Without Prejudice from Arthritis Drugs Injury Case
May 5, 2004
INDIANAPOLIS - A federal judge has dismissed without prejudice the companies responsible for manufacturing Celebrex in a case involving an Indiana woman who claims she suffered cardiovascular injuries after using Celebrex and Vioxx. McCullough v. Merck & Co. Inc., et al. No. 03-CV-1523 (S.D. Ind.).
U.S. District Judge Harry J. McKinney's April 8 order finalized the parties' stipulation to dismiss claims against Pfizer, Pharmacia Corp., G.D. Searle and Monsato Co., but the order did not dismiss Carla McCullough's claims against the remaining defendants.
In her Oct. 15 complaint, which was filed in Hendricks County (Ind.) Superior Court, McCullough asserts claims …