Florida Man Claims Remicade Caused His Pulmonary Fibrosis
July 7, 2005
- Complaint
MIAMI - A Florida man who received Remicade infusions for nearly two years has sued the drug's manufacturer, alleging that the treatment caused him to develop pulmonary fibrosis. Goldstein v. Centocor Inc., No. 05-21515 (S.D. Fla.).
The lawsuit, originally filed in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court, was removed to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on June 7 by Remicade manufacturer Centocor.
According to the lawsuit, Centocor failed to warn the public, including plaintiff Jeffrey Goldstein, and his treating physicians of the connection between Remicade and the development of significant respiratory problems such as pulmonary fibrosis.
'Defendant …