Following Vioxx Recall, Plaintiff Wants Second Shot at Daubert Responses
October 19, 2004
- Motion
MOBILE, Ala. - A plaintiff in a Vioxx personal injury suit has moved to supplement her responses to a Daubert challenge filed by manufacturer Merck & Co., which objected to the plaintiff's contention that a link had been established between Vioxx and stroke. Younge v. Merck & Company, Inc., et al., No. 03-125 (S.D. Ala.).
In a motion filed Oct. 6 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama, Carolyn Younge cites Merck's Sept. 30 decision to withdraw its popular arthritis drug medication from the market based on a long-term study that showed an increased risk of …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel

HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference
April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach