Rejuvenate, ABG II Hip Implant Plaintiffs With Claims Remaining in MDL Docket Required to Submit Information to Settlement Committee

  • Order

MINNEAPOLIS –– Plaintiffs with unresolved claims remaining in the federal multidistrict litigation docket for cases involving Stryker’s Rejuvenate and ABG II hip implant products were required to respond to the Settlement Oversight Committee’s requests for information regarding their claims last month, according to a pretrial order issued by the court.

The U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota issued Pretrial Order No. 37 on March 22, saying that it was “necessary to continue to identify and update the status of all remaining, unresolved filed and unfiled claims relating to the ABG II Modular Neck Hip Stem or the Rejuvenate …


HarrisMartin's MDL Conference

September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel


HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference

October 25, 2024 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach