Biomet M2a Hip Implant MDL Court Grants Motion to Appoint Lien Resolution Administrator to Oversee Recent Settlement
April 28, 2014
- Order
SOUTH BEND, Ind. –– The court overseeing the national Biomet M2a metal-on-metal hip implant coordinated docket has granted a plaintiff motion to appoint a lien resolution administrator to oversee a recently agreed upon settlement in hundreds of cases.
According to a qualified protective order issued April 14 by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, the plaintiffs have retained the Garretson Resolution Group Inc. to serve as the plaintiffs’ agent “to resolve Plaintiffs’ health insurance reimbursement claims and/or liens, as the Lien Resolution Administrator.”
According to the order, the Lien Resolution Administrator (LRA) will administer the …