Plaintiff's Motion to Add Non-Diverse Defendants Granted, Case Remanded to State Court
November 5, 2002
- Order
MINNEAPOLIS-A plaintiff's attempt to pursue medical negligence claims against two non-diverse physicians was furthered recently by a federal judge who granted the man's motion to amend his complaint to include the physicians and remand the case to state court. In re: Baycol Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 1431 (D. Minn.).
U.S. District Judge Michael J. Davis opined that the addition of the physician defendants in case No. 02-874, Robert Raskey v. Bayer Corp., et al., was warranted because the doctors are not indispensable parties, the Oct. 2 ruling states.
Plaintiff Robert Raskey's Aug. 15 motion to amend his complaint requested …

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