Prempro-Related Journal Articles

Progestin therapy of breast cancer. Jolles B. British Medical Journal. 1967 Sep 9;3(566): 682-3.

Increased risk of endometrial carcinoma among users of conjugated estrogens. Ziel HK, Finkle WD. New England Journal of Medicine. 1975 Dec 4;293(23):1167-70.

Menopausal estrogens and breast cancer. Hoover R, Gray LA Sr, Cole P, MacMahon B. New England Journal of Medicine. 1976 Aug 19;295(8):401-5.

Premarin in the management of metastatic breast carcinoma in post-menopausal patients. Smith IE, Ford HT, Gazet JC, Powles TJ. Clinical Oncology. 1979 Jun;5(2):159-62.

Conjugated estrogens and breast cancer risk in women. Hoover R, Glass A, Finkle …


HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference

January 10, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach


HarrisMartin's New Jersey Asbestos Litigation Conference

February 27, 2025 - New Brunswick, NJ
Hyatt Regency New Brunswick