12.5 Million Documents Produced in Coordinated New Jersey Proceedings
November 21, 2011
- Case List
- Case Management Order
NEWARK, N.J. - The judge assigned to New Jersey's coordinated DePuy ASR Hip Implants docket has issued a brief follow-up order after the most recent case management conference, noting that discovery has produced 12.5 million documents to date and urging continued cooperation by the parties. In re: DePuy ASR Hip Implants Litigation, Master Docket No. BER-L-3971-11 [No. 293] (N.J. Super. Ct., Bergen Cty.).
Bergen County (N.J.) Superior Court Judge Brian R. Martinotti filed Case Management Order #10 on Nov. 16, the same day as the Case Management Conference, and advised counsel that the next such meeting will be on Jan. …

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