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Drugs & Medical Devices - Issue: 58
Durom Hip Cup MDL Court Schedules May Oral Argument to Address Dispute in Proposed Mass Settlement
Durom Hip Cup Plaintiffs Withdraw Motion to Waive Common Benefit Fund Contribution
Zimmer Selects New Oct. Trial Selection for NexGen Knee Implant MDL Docket in Light of Dismissal
Drugs & Medical Devices - Issue: 172
N.J. Appellate Court Upholds $11.11 Million Prolift Transvaginal Mesh Verdict Against J&J, Ethicon
Court Has Personal Jurisdiction Over Maker of Transvaginal Mesh Device, Ill. Federal Judge Rules
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Claims Against Medtronic in Insulin Pump Case For Lack of Prosecution
Claims in St. Jude Cardiac Defibrillator Action Expressly Preempted, Fla. Federal Judge Rules