Jury Awards $303,384 for Housing Authority's Failure to Repair
October 21, 2008
- Complaint
BALTIMORE - A Baltimore city jury has awarded a former public housing tenant a rebate of $3,384 in rent payments and $300,000 for pain and suffering for a housing authority's failure to repair plumbing leaks, water damage and mold. Hyman v. Housing Authority for Baltimore City, No. C-24-06-010789 (Md. Cir. Ct., Baltimore City).
The Circuit Court jury reached the verdict for Nornita Hyman on Oct. 20 after three hours of deliberation, according to a source, accepting her claim that exposure to mold and water exacerbated preexisting health problems.
In a trial that begin on Oct. 145 before Circuit Judge Alfred …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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