Ala. Supreme Court Affirms Ruling For Developer D.R. Horton
September 9, 2008
- Opinion
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Alabama's high court has upheld an arbitrator's decision in favor of a homebuilder accused of breach of warranty, saying the homeowner offered no basis on which to overturn the award. Hereford v. D.R. Horton Inc., No. 1070396 (Ala. Sup. Ct.).
The Supreme Court noted in its unanimous Sept. 5 opinion that the sole issue raised by the homeowner was whether the arbitrator's decision was in manifest disregard of the law, which is not a valid ground for relief given the U.S. Supreme Court's recent holding in Hall Street Associates, L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc., U.S., 128 S. Ct. …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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