Discovery of Mold-Related Life/Safety Issues Prompts Request for Expedited Trial
December 12, 2001
PHOENIX - Recent building inspections for a long-standing construction defects case between an Arizona homeowners association and a condominium builder has uncovered the existence of mold, prompting the plaintiffs to request an earlier trial date. Dartmouth Trace Homeowners Association v. U.S. Home Corporation, Inc., No. CV-97-92090 (Ariz. Super. Ct., Maricopa Cty.).
The lawsuit alleges construction defects such as leaking roofs and water-damaged structural materials and was originally filed in 1997. Results of inspections concluded just weeks ago, however, found Stachybotrys in approximately one-third of the 118 condos, according to Rachel Miller, a spokesperson for plaintiff's attorney Thomas E. Miller of …