Court Rejects bid by Texas Homeowner to Reverse Judgment for Insurer
November 28, 2007
- Opinion
HOUSTON - A Texas appellate court has affirmed judgment for a home insurer after concluding that the appellant homeowner failed to provide support for her argument that mold and water damage were covered by her policy. Tellez v. Allstate Texas Loyds, No. 14-06-00305 (Texas 14th Ct. App.).
The 14th Court of Appeals affirmed summary judgment for Allstate Texas Lloyds' on Oct. 30, rejecting an appeal by Lucy Tellez on breach of contract and bad faith claims.
Tellez complained that Allstate failed to pay in full for an estimated $59,000 in needed repairs and living expenses necessitated by water damage and …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel