Separate Class Action Suits Filed for City and State Employees Working in Mold-Ridden Office Building
December 6, 2001
- Aug. 27 Office of Public Health Letter
- City Employees’ Class Action Petition
- Sept. 4 Testing Results
- State Employees’ Class Action Petition
NEW ORLEANS - Plaintiffs filed two separate class action lawsuits Oct. 26 on behalf of Louisiana city and state employees who were assigned by their employers to offices in the Plaza Tower in New Orleans. Kristen M. Rhodes, et al. v. BG Real Estate Services, Inc., No. 2001-18355 (La. Civ. Dist. Ct., Orleans Parish Ct.), Sherry Watters, et al. v. Department of Social Services, et al., No. 2001-17775 (La. Civ. Dist. Ct., Orleans Parish Ct.).
The Plaza Tower, a 44-floor building where 600 to 700 state employees have their offices, including the parish child support enforcement unit, has been experiencing …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
The Westin Buffalo