N.Y. Appellate Court Affirms Decision Allowing Johanning to Testify
November 14, 2007
- Opinion
SYRACUSE, N. Y. - A New York appellate court has affirmed an order denying summary judgment to a school district accused of negligence and allowing plaintiff students to rely on causation testimony by mold expert Dr. Eckhardt Johanning. Netti, et al. v. Auburn Enlarged City School District, No. 1184, CA 06-03195 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. App. Div., 4th Dept.).
The New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, 4th Judicial Department, said in its two-page opinion on Nov. 9 that plaintiffs introduced sufficient evidence to counter the Auburn Enlarged City School District's motion for summary judgment on causation, and that the school district …