Mold-Related Bad Faith and Misrepresentation Claims Denied By Insurer, Construction Company
November 7, 2001
- Complaint
- Response
MILWAUKEE - An insurance company and a construction firm are rebuffing claims of bad faith and misrepresentation listed in a complaint filed by a Milwaukee-area family and two involuntary plaintiffs who claim that the companies' recklessness has exposed them to dangerous levels of toxic mold. Murphy v. Washington Mutual Finance, et al., No. 01-CV-005713 (Wis. Cir. Ct., Milwaukee Cty.).
Answer, affirmative defenses, counter-claim and cross-claim were filed Aug. 8 in Wilwaukee County Circuit Court on behalf of O.T. Construction, Inc., Lisa McLees, John McLees, and Zurich Insurance Company.
These filings denied the allegations of the original complaint, affirmed that …