Ky. Builder Held Personally Liable for Warranties in Leaky Home
August 25, 2006
- Opinion
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - A home builder who signed a purchase agreement in his own name and personally contracted to sell a home he built could be liable for property damage claims asserted by the buyers, an Indiana appellate court held on July 26 (Williams, et al. v. Younginer, No. 87A01-0504-CV-180 (Ind. Ct. App.).
In a published opinion, The Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed a jury verdict assessing $62,305.77 in damages against Jerry Williams individually, and his company, on claims arising from water leaks and mold in a home he constructed and sold in Newburgh, Ind.
Jeff and Beth Younginer …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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