Fla. Court Schedules Hearing on Ryland's Motion to Vacate Class Cert
June 27, 2006
- Award
- Demand
- Opinion
ORLANDO, Fla. - A Florida circuit court has scheduled a hearing for Aug. 1 on class certification of thousands of potential claims over alleged leaks in masonry block exterior walls constructed by Ryland Homes. Bouchard v. The Ryland Group Inc., No. 48-2005-CA-1930-35 (Fla. Cir. Ct., Orange Cty.).
Orange County Circuit Judge Reginald Whitehead will consider a motion for class certification by plaintiffs in the civil case, as well as a motion by The Ryland Group Inc. to vacate a class certification order issued in an arbitration of similar claims on May 17.
Counsel for claimants noted that the standard …