U.S. 5th Circuit Grants Plaintiffs' Petition for Writ of Mandamus in Moldy Mobile Home Class Action
September 9, 2002
LAFAYETTE, La. - On Sept. 9, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals granted the plaintiffs' petition for writ of mandamus in a national class action suit involving defective and mold-infested mobile homes and, in so doing, prevented the plaintiffs from being required to disclose their confidential files. Leo Jay Matte, et al. v. Sunshine Homes, Inc., et al., No. 02-C-0399-D (W.D. La.).
The appeals court did not issue an opinion, but did order that the petition for writ of mandamus is granted and indicated that the district court will retain the file papers under seal.
According to plaintiffs' attorney …

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