N.Y. Tenants Say Mold Made Them Leave $6 Million Long Island Home
January 19, 2006
- Order
RIVERHEAD, N.Y. - A New York trial court judge denied has denied a landlord's bid for summary judgment on a breach-of-lease claim, saying the former tenants have raised factual questions on whether mold made the premises unfit for habitation. Gordon v. Eshaghoff, No. 16426/04 (N.Y. Sup., Nassau Cty.).
Raymond and Shilla Eshaghoff signed an agreement in June 2003 to lease a home in Kings Point, N.Y., from plaintiff Maris Gordon for a three-year period beginning Aug. 1, 2003. The Eshagoffs notified Gordon by letter on June 30, 2004, that they intended to leave the home by Sept. 15, 2004, because …

HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference
April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach