Texas Court Finds Statutory Waiver Applies to Actions by City Employees
November 21, 2005
- Opinion
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - Decisions by city employees engaged in an allegedly botched sewer job fit within the statutory waiver of immunity from suit, a Texas appellate court affirmed on Oct. 27. City of Westlaco v. Theobald, No. 134-04-340-CV (Texas Ct. App., 13th Dist.).
The Texas Court of Appeals, 13th District, rejected arguments by the City of Westlaco, Texas, that it is immune from suit on claims brought by city resident Robert Theobald.
Theobald contends in a lawsuit brought in the Hidalgo County (Texas) Court that actions by city contractors in first removing his sewer line and then attempting to …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel