N.Y. Court Says Landlord Had No Notice of Mold Until Tenant Tested Apartment
September 9, 2005
- Order
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -Knowledge of a water leak is an insufficient basis for assuming a landlord had notice of mold in an apartment, a New York court said Aug. 30 in awarding summary judgment to landlord defendants on tenants' personal injury claims. Keenan v. Stoneleigh Parkway, Inc., No. 18998-03 (N.Y. Sup., Westchester Cty.).
Graham J. and Carol S. Keenan sued Stoneleigh Parkway Inc. and Akam North Inc. in New York state court, alleging personal injury and property damage from mold and water in their cooperative apartment, which resulted from a roof leak.
Stoneleigh and Akam moved for summary …

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