Miss. Homeowners Waited Too Long To Sue Builder, County Inspectors
June 1, 2005
- Opinion
JACKSON, Miss. - A Mississippi couple who took possession of a new home in 1992 but didn't sue until the builder and local building inspectors until 2002 waited too long, Mississippi's court of Appeals affirmed April 26. Baldwin v. Holliman, No. 2003-CA-02706-COA (Miss. Ct. App.).
Wanda Terrell Baldwin and Roy Baldwin complained that builder John Holliman and the Lowndes County Board of Supervisors were negligent in failing to ensure adequate drainage on their property. The Baldwins said the problem led to water damage and mold, which caused allergic reactions for Wanda Baldwin.
The Lowndes County (Miss.) Circuit Court granted summary …

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March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
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