D.C. Condo Developers Appeal Court's Refusal to Order Arbitration
March 22, 2005
- Motion
- Movants' Reply
- Response to Motion
WASHINGTON - Condominium developers defending multiple lawsuits by residents complaining of mold contamination are appealing a federal court's Feb. 6 denial of a motion to compel arbitration. Murphy, et al. v. 2200 M Street LLC, et al., No. 1:04CV00346(RJL) (D. D.C.).
Attorneys for 2200 M Street and related parties filed a notice of their intentions with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Feb. 28.
District Court Judge Richard J. Leon denied motions to stay and to compel arbitration in minute orders entered on Feb. 6.
Richard G. Murphy and other owners and former owners of …

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