Calif. Court Rejects In Limine Challenge to Plaintiff's Mold Expert
February 18, 2005
- Order
LOS ANGELES - A California trial court ruled Feb. 16 that a neuropsychologist retained by plaintiffs alleging brain injury caused by exposure to mold is qualified to testify on causation. Danlasky v. PCS Property Management Inc., et al., No. LC057263 [Consolidated with Case No. LC059943] (Calif. Super., Los Angeles Cty.).
Judge Warren Ettinger of the Los Angeles County Superior Court held a hearing on Feb. 16 on the motion for exclude testimony by Juan Manuel Gutierrez, Ph.D., a board-certified neuropsychologist from Santa Barbara, Calif. Gutierrez was retained by plaintiff Darcee Dee, who contends she was injured by being exposed to …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel