La. Court Affirms Association's Right to Enter Unit to Remediate Mold
June 7, 2004
- Opinion
NEW ORLEANS - A Louisiana appellate court on May 26 affirmed an injunction allowing a condominium association to undertake mold remediation in a unit even though the residents oppose the remediation methods. Caracci v. Cobblestone Village Condominium Association, No. 03-CA-1487 (La. App., 5th Cir.).
In a 2-1 decision, Louisiana's 5th Circuit Court of Appeal declined to address other issues raised by residents Vincent and Frank J. Caracci, including whether the Cobblestone Village Condominium Association's retention of the assessment firm to do the remediation is illegal, and whether the association had authority to indemnify the remediation company.
But the court majority …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
The Westin Buffalo