N.Y. Court Denies Injunction to Commercial Tenant Complaining Of Leaks
April 1, 2004
- Decision
NEW York - A commercial tenant's assertions of structural damage and danger from mold infestation were insufficient to support its demand for immediate repairs by the landlord and the City of New York, a trial court held on March 9. Rafael Levy v. Cambridge Acquisition, et al., No. 116932/2003 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., N.Y. Cty.).
Justice Doris Ling-Cohan of the New York County (N.Y.) Supreme Court denied the preliminary injunction requested by Rafael Levy (d/b/a American Industries and d/b/a Mr. Tony). The justice also rejected Levy's request for an order transferring a related landlord-tenant action from the Civil Court of the …