Trial Court Denies Motion to Exclude 2 Plaintiffs' Mold Experts
February 25, 2004
- Order
BARNSTABLE, Mass. - Defense challenges to two mold experts who relied on histories provided by plaintiff family members are best left to a jury, a Massachusetts trial judge held Jan. 28. ,Sandra Liska, et al. v. Travelers Property Casualty Corp., et al., C.A. No. 99-569 (Mass. Super. Ct., Barnstable Cty.).
Sandra and Jan Liska are suing Travelers Property Casualty Corp. and the Norfolk & Dedham Group over the alleged contamination of their home by the Ochratoxin-A mycotoxin. They attribute the cause to a leak in a hot water heater that occurred in April 1995.
Trial is scheduled to begin …

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