Judge Dismisses Contract, Punitive Damages Claims from Mold Case
January 6, 2004
- Opinion
NEW YORK - A state court judge has dismissed two causes of action and a claim for punitive damages filed against a condo owner and two building associations by two residents who allegedly suffered injuries as a result of mold that infested their New York City penthouse. Caldwell v. Two Columbus Avenue Condominium, et al., No. 123568/02 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York Cty.).
Judge Harold B. Beeler of the New York County Supreme Court said in a recent decision that the 'Offering Plan' Clara and John Caldwell signed after purchasing their property effectively ended any contractual obligation the building's owner …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel