Lawsuit Alleges Defects, Mold Infestation at D.C. Ritz-Carlton Residence
January 6, 2004
- Complaint
WASHINGTON - A resident of a luxury Ritz-Carlton residence in Washington, D.C., has sued the property's developers for more than $5 million in damages stemming from alleged structural defects that caused toxic mold to develop. Labson v. 2200 M Street LLC, et al., No. 03-0009287 (D.C. Super. Ct.).
In a complaint filed Nov. 20 in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, plaintiff Lucy Labson alleges that the developer, Millennium Partners, was aware that the construction Ritz-Carlton condominium where she resides was wrought with serious structural defects that would cause mold infestation. However, according to Labson's complaint, Millennium misrepresented …

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March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel