Court Grants Defendant's Daubert Motion, Precluding Medical Doctor From Testifying in Mold Case
September 12, 2003
- <i>Daubert</i> Motion of Sta-Dry Waterproofing
- Order on <i>Daubert</i> Motion
WILMINGTON, Del. - A state court judge has granted a defendant's Daubert motion to preclude the testimony of the plaintiffs' medical expert in a case concerning the alleged exacerbation of a homeowner's lung condition due to exposure to mold in his water-damaged basement. John and Kathy Firlein v. Sta-Dry Waterproofing Co., Inc., No. 01C-12-060 (JRJ) (Del. Super. Ct., New Castle Cty.).
Hon. Jan R. Jurden of the New Castle County Superior Court in Wilmington, Del., signed the handwritten order Sept. 10, precluding the plaintiffs' long-time physician from testifying about any causal connection between symptoms of physical injury and plaintiffs' mold …

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March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
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