After Finding Organic Pathogen Exclusion Vague & Ambiguous, Court Rules Similarly on Other Mold-Related Exclusions
July 1, 2003
- American Equity’s Memo Re: Motion for Summary Judgment (Organic Pathogen Exclusion)
- July 1 Plaintiffs’/Respondents’ Original Opposition to Application for Supervisory Writs Filed by American Equity Insurance Company
- June 16 Judgment on Organic Pathogen
- June 27 Proposed Judgment on Insurance Exclusions
- Memo in Opposition to Defendants’ Motions for Summary Judgment
- Plaintiffs’ Opposition to American Equity’s Motion for Summary Judgment (Insurance Coverage)
- Plaintiffs’ Suppl. Memo in Opp. to Great Lakes Motion for Summary Judgment (Insurance Coverage)
NEW ORLEANS - On June 27, less than two weeks after ruling that an organic pathogen exclusion is vague and ambiguous, Louisiana's Civil District Court in the Parish of Orleans rendered judgment denying insurers' Motions for Summary Judgment on two other mold-related policy exclusions in a case concerning hundreds of city and state employees alleging that exposure to mold in an office building caused personal injury. Sherry Watters, et al. v. Department of Social Services, et al., No. 01-17775 (La. Civ. Dist. Ct., Orleans Parish Ct., Div. C) c/w Kristen M. Rhodes, et al. v. BG Real Estate Services, Inc., …