'Unauthorized Insurers' Versus 'Approved Unauthorized Insurers' Forms Crux of Whether Insurers Must Post Bonds in Mold Case
June 20, 2003
- <i>Amicus Curiae</i> by Surplus Lines Assoc. Supporting Applicants’/Defendants’ App. for Writ of <i>Certiorari</i>
- Motion to Strike Pleadings of Defendants Who Are Unauthorized Insurers
- Plaintiffs/Respondents Opposition to Monticello’s Application for Writ of <i>Certiorari</i>
NEW ORLEANS - Attempts to force insurers named as defendants in a moldy office building case to post bonds in accordance with Louisiana statute have moved into the state legislature as lawmakers wrangle over the distinction between "unauthorized insurers" and "approved unauthorized insurers" and the significance of that distinction to the enforcement of the statute. Sherry Watters, et al. v. Department of Social Services, et al., No. 01-17775 (La. Civ. Dist. Ct., Orleans Parish Ct., Div. C) c/w Kristen M. Rhodes, et al. v. BG Real Estate Services, Inc., No. 01-18355 (La. Civ. Dist. Ct., Orleans Parish Ct., Div. J) …

HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference
April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach