Case of Mold-Contaminated SUV Remanded Back to State Court
May 2, 2003
- Memorandum and Order
- Original Complaint
STATESVILLE, N.C. - The vehicle manufacturer and dealership in a case concerning a mold-contaminated sport utility vehicle were unsuccessful in their bid to remove the case to federal court. On May 1, the case was remanded back to state court. Timothy Everett Greene and Amy V. Greene v. General Motors Corp. and Mack Brown, Inc., No. 5:03CV28-V (D. N.C., Western Dist., Statesville Div.).
According to the U.S. District Court's order, the record does not reveal any basis for federal subject matter jurisdiction and removal from state court was improper. Therefore, the plaintiffs' motion to remand was granted and the case …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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