The Wallaceburg Study: A Field Exposure and Health Study
April 21, 2003
photo-1About the Study Team
J. David Miller Ph.D., Dr. Robert E Dales and Jim H. White jointly designed the study, each providing their own areas of expertise. David Miller is a microbiologist and fungal expert, then with Agriculture Canada and now with Carleton University. Robert Dales is a respirologist with Ottawa General Hospital and the University of Ottawa. Bob Dales assembled the health portions of the study. Jim White, now with System Science Associates Ltd., but then Senior Advisor, Building Science at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the Canadian Federal housing agency, designed the housing performance parts of …

HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference
April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach