McMahon Settles the Bad Faith Component of His Mold Lawsuit
March 7, 2003
- Complaint
LOS ANGELES - Ed McMahon allegedly settled the bad faith component of his mold-related lawsuit, even though attorneys representing the celebrity are unable to discuss the matter due to a confidentiality agreement with the insurance defendants. McMahon v. American Equity Insurance Co., et al., No. BC271423 (Calif. Super., Los Angeles Cty.).
According to sources familiar with the case, the confidential settlement was reached Feb. 13, approximately two months before the scheduled trial date.
One of McMahon's attorneys, Allan Browne of Browne & Woods, L.L.P., in Beverly Hills, Calif., was able to confirm that the case is still scheduled for …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel