Third Lawsuit Filed Against Romeo Community School District Due to Mold at Washington Elementary
February 4, 2002
- <i>Allen</i> Complaint
- <i>Schutte</i> Complaint
- <i>Statewide</i> Complaint
MT. CLEMENS, Mich. - A company hired to perform mold remediation at Washington Elementary School has sued the school district for not paying its $522,600 fee, making this the third mold-related lawsuit filed against the district since December 2001. Statewide Disaster Restoration, Inc. v. The Romeo Community Schools District, No. 02-408-CK (Mich. Cir. Ct., Macomb Cty.).
The Jan. 25 lawsuit by Statewide Disaster Restoration, Inc. follows two others filed against Romeo, one also a contractual dispute based on nonpayment, and the other a personal injury case filed by an elementary school student.
A Jan. 3 personal injury claim filed by …

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