Mich. Court Rejects Insurer's Challenge to Appraisal for Home Damage
July 18, 2005
- Opinion
LANSING, Mich. - Michigan's Court of Appeals has affirmed an appraisal award for a homeowner that a dissenting justice said contains factual errors and far exceeds the policy limits. Roehrig v. State Auto Mutual Insurance Co., No. 252742 (Mich. App.).
The 2-1 majority issued a per curiam opinion affirming judgment of $888,133.42 for Robert J. Roehrig, based on an award issued by an impartial umpire and confirmed by Roehrig's appraiser in 2003.
Roehrig had petitioned the Oakland (Mich.) Circuit Court to appoint an umpire after State Auto Mutual Insurance Co. refused to appoint its own appraiser as required by …