Florida School Board Accused of Constructing New 'Mold Factories'
December 9, 2002
- <i>Gerberich, et al. v. Sanders, et al.</i> Class Action Complaint
- <i>McAfee v. Lee County School Board</i> Complaint
FT. MYERS, Fla. - Two lawsuits have been filed, and a third is expected to be filed, against the Lee County School Board in Ft. Myers, Fla., alleging that the board failed to remediate moldy and otherwise contaminated conditions of numerous schools in the district.
The two lawsuits were filed Nov. 21, one by teachers employed in the district [Gail Gerberich, et al. v. John W. Sanders, et al., No. 02-12820CA WCA (Fla. Cir. Ct., 20th Jud. Cir., Lee Cty.)], and another by an employee assigned the task of investigating the extent and scope of the "mold problem" in Lee …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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