Denial of Class Certification Upheld by Appeals Court in Case Of Moldy Apartment Complex
December 6, 2002
- Opinion
LOS ANGELES - On Nov. 22, California's 2nd Appellate District Court of Appeals upheld a trial court's denial of class certification in a case concerning a large mold- and leak-riddled apartment complex in Burbank, Calif. Sharon Renee Wheeler, et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Avalonbay Communities, et al., Defendants and Respondents, No. B153535 (Calif. App. Ct., 2nd App. Dist., Div. Five).
According to the opinion, the appeals court agreed with the trial court (Calif. Super. Ct. No. BC 237274) that the lawsuit presented no well-defined community of interest in questions of law and fact, and so affirmed the trial court's …

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