Insurer Sues Claims Adjusters to Prevent Revelation of 'Trade Secrets' at Trial Lawyers Seminar
November 18, 2002
- Complaint and Other Documents Filed by Plaintiff
[Editor's Note: Although this decision does not result from a mold dispute, HarrisMartin editors feel it could have an impact on the future of mold-related cases involving questions of claims adjustment practices.]
EVERETT, Wash. - On Nov. 22, the Washington State Trial Lawyers Association (WSTLA) presented a seminar on Colossus, a cost containment software program, in spite of the efforts of Farmers Insurance Exchange to prevent two former employees from speaking at the program.
Farmers Insurance Exchange filed suit against the two presenters, alleging that information about the customized cost containment program is confidential and proprietary. However, the seminar went …

HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference
March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel