Family Relegated to Living in Shed While Pursuing Case Against Insurer for 'Botched' Mold Claim
October 22, 2002
- Original Petition
DALLAS - A Dallas couple and their 13-year-old son are currently living in a shed in the backyard of their mold-infested home after the additional living expenses allowance supplied by their homeowners' insurance provider, Fire Insurance Exchange, was exhausted in January. Karen and Michael Simmons, individually and as next friends of Michael Ray Simmons v. Fire Insurance Exchange, et al., No. 02-05487 (Texas Dist. Ct., 191st Jud. Dist., Dallas Cty.).
According to a petition filed June 19 by Karen and Michael Simmons against the insurer, Farmers has expended their entire policy limits, yet their home remains uninhabitable and the family …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
The Westin Buffalo