Crime Analyst Sues County for Negligently Exposing Her to 'Toxic, Contaminated Air'
July 16, 2002
- Complaint
NAPLES, Fla. - According to her June 4 complaint, a crime analyst employed by the Collier County Sheriff has sued the Florida county for negligently exposing her to "toxic, contaminated air," which allegedly caused her to suffer permanent bodily injury. Tami Canger v. Collier County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, No. 02-2300-CA-HOH (Fla. Cir. Ct., 20th Jud. Cir., Collier Cty.).
Tami Canger alleges in her complaint that the county was aware of indoor air quality problems in the building that housed the sheriff's office, having received complaints over the course of several years, but still failed to …